

Attaching two things together is one of the most useful applications for tape and adhesives. With all the non-stop advances being made in semiconductors and electronics, the demands to make things lighter/thinner/shorter/smaller only grow greater, and these tiny components need to be properly attached in ever-decreasing dimensions. Adhesives and tapes also solve problems with screws, bolts, and spot welds, and we're happy to introduce new, ground-breaking solutions for conventional assembly methods.


Accidents within a factory or during transport can be lethal. Tape can help prevent some of these accidents that may befall employees or products. We can help you find the products to help prevent accidents and disasters to ensure the safety of you, your employees, your products, your equipment, and your facilities.


A key to preventing waste and increasing productivity is to protect your products from scrapes and scratches during production and against damage during shipping and transport. Making sure your employees are working in a safe environment also leads to increased productivity. We can help you find the right products to provide protection for even the most unassuming of daily tasks.


For temporary binding and fixing, it is important that tape be easy to roll out and apply, and be readily removable while leaving no adhesive behind. For longer-term binding needs, the tape also needs to be able to withstand changes to environment or conditions. We can help you find the right products for your binding needs for both production and transport for a variety of fields, including printing and electronics.


Tiny amounts of dust sneaking into products or components, as well as rain or moisture leaks through wall spaces in buildings, can greatly shorten the lifespan of said product or facility. Many buildings and vehicles also require high water-stopping capabilities, or else they fail to provide worthwhile resistances to chemicals, weather, and heat. We can help you find effective and highly useful sealing products.


Whether it be preventing excess sealant from adhering to unwanted areas, or keeping specific car body areas clean during painting, we can supply a wide range of products that can cover all shapes and sizes of materials, including steel, aluminum, and plastics. We'll help you find products with the covering capabilities you need to increase productivity and prevent production issues.


Tapes and labels are very commonly used to increase visibility during production processes and in factories and warehouses. Simply adding black and yellow striped tape instantly lets people know they are in a dangerous area. Colored tapes also help display classifications for inspected products and defective products. We can help you find simple and easy display solutions via a variety of tapes and labels.


Exactly what is being absorbed? Impacts, vibrations, squeaks, creaks, and taps: all of these can be "absorbed." Using shock-absorbent tape or dual-sided, highly viscoelastic tape can help dampen impacts and vibrations. For squeaking caused by parts rubbing together, applying some friction-reducing tape can keep pesky noises at bay. Got anything you need absorbed? Let us help.


Dual-sided tapes for use in splicing films, papers, and coils need to have excellent initial adhesive strength, shear strength, and heat resistance, in addition to being as thin as possible. For duct work, connected parts need to be completely sealed together with material that fits the connection perfectly. This confers the ability to resist environmental stresses for extended periods, resulting in lower work costs. We've got the perfect product for all of your connecting needs.


Tape is surely useful when you need to filter out what you don't want. High-transparency dual-sided tape with excellent total light transmittance is perfect for attaching optical films to displays, etc. By using breathable tape during urethane foam filling, it is possible to let air escape without urethane foam leakage. Also, by using thermally and electrically conductive tapes when affixing electronic components, you won't have to worry about losing out on component performance. We've got the right products to meet your filtering needs.


If you can't block unseen conditions such as heat, electromagnetic waves, vibrations, or moisture that could adversely affect your products or production line, it is impossible to make high quality products. We can help you find the right products to insulate, isolate, and shield exactly what you need, when you need it.


The adhesive nature of tape makes it excellent at removing contaminants such as dust and hair. Just being sticky isn't enough; even if the tape picks up foreign matter, any adhesive left behind could cause even bigger problems. We can introduce you to the right products to remove the right contaminants from the right surfaces.